
I2P+ in Docker

Quick start

If you just want to give I2P+ a quick try or are using it on a home network, follow these steps:

  1. Install git, docker-io and docker-compose via your package manager
  2. Download the I2P+ git repository with the command: git pull https://github.com/I2PPlus/i2pplus.git
  3. Rename docker-compose.example.yml to docker-compose.yml in the root directory of your local I2P+ git workspace
  4. As root, cd to the i2pplus git workspace you just downloaded and then execute docker-compose up --build
  5. Start a browser and go to and then hit the Wizard link to configure your router
  6. To stop the router, hit Ctrl+C and then, optionally, docker-compose down
  7. To remove all existing cache files and generated images, run docker system prune -a -f

Running a container

Memory usage

By the default the image limits the memory available to the Java heap to 512MB. You can override that by modifying the JVM_XMX environment variable in the docker/rootfs/startapp.sh file.


There are several ports which are exposed by the image. You can choose which ones to publish depending on your specific needs.

Port Interface Description TCP/UDP
4444 HTTP Proxy TCP
6668 IRC Proxy TCP
7654 I2CP Protocol TCP
7656 SAM Bridge TCP TCP
7657 Web Console TCP
7667 Web Console (SSL) TCP
7658 I2P Webserver TCP
7659 SMTP Proxy TCP
7660 POP Proxy TCP
7652 LAN interface UPnP TCP
7653 LAN interface UPnP UDP


At the minimum, you’ll want the Router Console (7667) and the HTTP Proxy (4444) available on localhost or your LAN network. The services indicated above on will only be available on localhost and should not be exposed to the public internet. They can be disabled in the I2P+ web console if not required. To change the listening address for these services, including the web console, uncomment and edit the IP_ADDR line in the startapp.sh file.

External Network Port

If you want I2P+ to perform optimally, you’ll want to publish the I2NP Protocol port (randomly assigned when the router image is first started). Your allocated port will be listed in your Router Web Console at - by default the UDP port number is also allocated for TCP connections. Note: This is the only port that you need to expose to the public internet, access to other ports should only be permitted from localhost or your LAN.